Friday, December 19, 2008

Poet Elizabeth Alexander to Read at Inauguration

President-elect Obama has asked Elizabeth Alexander to compose and read a poem at his inauguration next month. As the Washington Post observed, "It is the first time that 'poetry's old-fashioned praise,' as Robert Frost called it, will be featured at the ceremony since Bill Clinton's second swearing in back in 1997." Alexander, a professor at Yale University, has written several books, including four poetry collections. Her most recent, American Sublime , was a finalist for the 2005Pulitzer prize. "I'm just so honored to have been asked to present and to compose a poem for this momentous occasion," Alexander told the Guardian. "What we have seen is a man who understands that words bring power, who understands the power of language, the integrity of language, that it's not just idle. To be asked to turn my own words to this occasion and for this person is all but overwhelming."

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