Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Local Blood Drive

Blood Drive

The Lake County Fire Chiefs is sponsoring a blood drive all year long. The Mundelein Fire Department will be hosting a blood drive on January 22, 2010. The drive will take place at Mundelein Fire Station 1 from 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. To schedule your appointment please contact LifeSource at (877) 543-3768 or go to www.lifesource.org and use sponsor code MN10. Appointments are encouraged but, walk-ins are welcome.

The purpose of this event is to raise awareness of the shortage of blood during the summer months when we see the greatest amount of trauma. Please spread the word to anyone and everyone you know. Please make this a great success.

Donating blood is safe and simple. The entire process, from registration to refreshments, takes approximately one hour. Strict procedures for every step of the process ensure the safety of the donor and of the blood supply. Every measure is taken so that the donation is safe for the donor and the blood recipient.


You will need to bring ID with you on the day of the blood drive. Proper ID is required to donate blood. A lifeSource or military ID, drivers license, or employee badge with a picture and full name are all approved forms of ID. Birth certificate along with a picture ID that includes the donor's full name will also be accepted.

You are eligible to donate blood if you ....


Weigh at least 110 pounds.

Are in good physical health.

Are at least 17 years old (there is no upper age limit).

Have not given blood in the past eight weeks (56 days).

You are not eligible to donate blood if you ....


Have had hepatitis (not including childhood exposure).

Are pregnant.

Have ever tested positive for HIV, have engaged in high risk behavior, or have had intimate contact with anyone at risk for AIDS.

Have Babesiosis or Chagas Disease.

You may be temporarily ineligible to donate if you ...


Have the flu, a sore throat or fever.

Are taking antibiotics for an infection.

Received a tattoo, had your ears or another body part pierced, or experienced an accidental "needle stick" injury in the past 12 months.

Have had heart problems.

Received a blood transfusion in the past 12 months.

Have been recently vaccinated (time of deferral varies). Flu shots do not disqualify you from donating.

Have had a history of cancer (other than skin cancer).

Lived in or traveled to a malaria area.

Have recently had a sexually transmitted disease or mononucleosis.

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