Thursday, January 21, 2010

Love Story author Erich Segal Dead

Erich Segal died January 17 at the age of 72. While Erich Segal may be best known for his widely popular novel Love Story, he was a well-respected classics scholar. He continued writing scholarly works and teaching as he wrote popular novels and screenplays. Segal's other novels are Oliver's Story, Only Love, Doctors, The Class, Acts of Faith. He wrote several screenplays, including Yellow Submarine, Love Story, Oliver's Story. From the 1960s to the 1980s Segal taught Greek and Latin literature at Yale University. He also held visiting professorships at Princeton University, Oxford University, and University of London. His scholarly works include: The Death of Comedy, Oxford Readings in Menander, Plautus, and Terence, Oxford Readings in Greek Tragedy, Roman Laughter:The Comedy of Plautus. He was a remarkable man. He lived with the debilitating Parkinson's Disease for over 25 years, and he continued writing and teaching. In a eulogy, his daughter Francesca said "That he fought to breathe, fought to live, every second of the last 30 years of illness with such mind-blowing obduracy, is a testament to the core of who he was...he was the most dogged many any of us will ever know."

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